Hard Choices, Easy Life

Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?

Hard, by definition, is requiring a great deal of endurance or effort. Easy, by contrast, is achieved without great effort.

Hard is linked with discomfort and fear, so we tend to put off what's hard and immediately seek what's comfortable, or easy. But that great deal of endurance or effort is what makes us stronger, smarter, more capable, and reach our goals. Therefore, what's hard is often precisely what we should be doing.

On the other hand, easy is comfortable: taking shortcuts, putting things off, and avoiding our fears. While this may feel good in the moment, it's a poor longterm strategy that often leads to stress, regret, and disappointment.

And that's a hard life. In the short term, one clear example is procrastination and stressing to meet the deadline at the last minute, often with subpar results. In the long term, it gets even worse and tends to accumulate: you won't get into the college you want, get your dream job, or execute your business idea. Eventually, you'll reach your 40s or 50s and wish you had done a bit more or tried a bit harder. And there's no going back.

On the other hand, doing what's hard leads to an easy life. Consistently challenging yourself and keeping your promise will enable you to reach your goals, meet the right people, and even be financially stable, because you're capable. All the while significantly reducing those negative emotions tied with the easy choices.

So, what are you waiting for? I challenge you to choose your goal that you fear most—the hard one you've been putting off—and get started.